Friday, May 20, 2005

Smoking Ban Up For Vote

Indianapolis will at long last put the proposed smoking ban up for a vote, next Monday. Indy Star story.

Indianapolis residents opposed to the smoking ban are encouraged to attend the public meeting at 7pm in the Public Assembly Room of the City-County Building.

While the proponents focus on the health benefits they seek, libertarian opponents stand firm that this proposal is an offense to liberty and to property rights. We continue to assert the right of property owners- in this case, of restaurants, bars, and other entertainment establishments- to set their own policies in their own establishments, as involves the use of a legal product.

Fortunately, the Libertarian Party of Indiana has had an impact on this proposal, working to see it scaled back from what was the most restrictive ban in the country when first proposed. Chances are good that the compromise will pass and become law. If people of principle show up and speak up, maybe we can get this thing scaled back some more.

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