Yay. May 2003 saw the first post in the Kole Hard Facts. It certainly has tailed off in the past couple of years, such that I completely missed the actual 10th Anniversary of the blog. That's a pretty fair summation of the entire enterprise.
I've always known that to be a successful blogger, you have to post regularly- at least once daily, and early in the morning, so that you make the feeds & readers. I've never been good at that.
It helps to have a couple of topics that are the drum you bang. Mass transit comes close, I guess, but I never really found those. Limiting my sphere? I've never been good at that.
It helps to talk about the issues in the pop news that everybody is talking about. OJ Simpson, Michael Jackson, Jodi Arias, the petty scandals, etc. Just like in radio, play the hits! I've never been good at that.
Being that I'm not so good at doing what needs to be done to be a successful blogger, I'm not surprised that the blog has gotten 10-20 hits/day for years. I would occasionally hit periods where I did one of these three things well, and it never really impacted readership numbers, so being that it wasn't coming naturally, I would shrink back to my very random, reactive blogging self.
I marvel at those who really do it well. Hoosiers Doug Masson, Paul Ogden, and Gary Welsh certainly have my respect and admiration.