Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Mr. Place Goes To Washington

Kole Campaign Manager Rob Place is off to Washington DC tomorrow to attend a critical seminar hosted by the highly respected Campaigns & Elections magazine, entitled, “The Art of Political Campaigning”.

Ds & Rs at the highest levels send their staffers to this seminar when it is offered because the information is so valuable. This is training Libertarian staffers unfortunately do not take advantage of frequently enough.

Because of Rob's and my commitment is to be the best we can be, Rob is going. Check out the seminar agenda!

If you support this kind of effort on Rob's part, and on the part of the Kole Campaign, please support us with a contribution to offset the cost, which was around $1,000 prior to any power lunches Rob may set up on the fly while there. Link to make an online donation.

Look for a report from Rob, with photos.

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