Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Future of Banking

Tired of bored, disinterested bank tellers? New York is providing the answer.

You see, the banking industry doesn’t like to have to pay bored, disinterested tellers, so most banks look like this.

A Row of 10 ATMs. Steve is leaving his bank in Jackson Heights, in Queens. There is one teller, but the bank would really prefer you didn’t bother her unless you have a real problem or a complex banking issue to discuss. Push the buttons, make your deposit or withdrawl, and scram.

New Yorkers seem to like it. I’m not so sure it would fly here in the Midwest just yet, except in downtown banks. I did like how fast the line moved. The place was packed with customers, and Steve waited less than a minute.


LP Mike Sylvester said...

They tried this in Chicago and it did not go over well with the banks "older" customers.

I would go to a bank like the one you describe in NY; my mother never would.

Mike Sylvester

Michael Jarrell said...

The last time I even bothered with a teller was when I needed something notarised. Other than that I don't need the face time. I certainly like the concept. Saves money and time.