Monday, August 07, 2006

Reports of My Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated

Supporters in Northwest Indiana, please remain calm. I understand an error has been made in a news report in the Michigan City News Dispatch, in their "Political Notebook" section:
Libertarians say law ‘outrageous'

LaPORTE - Greg Kelver of the Libertarian Party of LaPorte County said Thursday the state Libertarian Party is working to reverse an Indiana Election Division ruling that has refused to certify 11 Libertarian candidates, including Andy Wolf, who had filed to run against Democratic incumbent Scott Pelath in District 9.

Eight candidates are for the state House, one is running for secretary of state and two are running for federal office.

I am the Libertarian candidate for Secretary of State, and was filed correctly according to the law. While I agree with Kelver that the law is outrageous, I am not one of the candidates subjected to the Division's refusal to certify.

There is one Libertarian candidate for statewide office (Chad Roots, for Auditor) who the Division refuses to certify for the November ballot.

Fear not. I will be on the November ballot. A vote for Kole is a vote for ending ballot restrictions and shenanigans.

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