Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I got word today from two would-be Libertarian candidates that the Elections Board has found against them and some other LP candidates, barring them from the ballot.

It seems the State had changed the form yet again, and this handful of candidates missed the new location for entering the office being sought.

Curiously, no Republican or Democrat in Indiana seems to have been tossed from the ballot, even where some that weren't corrected missed the same data.

The forms are changed every year for just this purpose- to catch some candidates making a mistake, for the purpose of disqualifying them from the ballot.

Not very American, if you ask me. Doesn't really serve the people, to deprive them of choices, if you ask me.

This issue will get marginal news coverage, and even more marginal response by the masses of Hoosiers. The goddamned frustration just continues.

1 comment:

varangianguard said...

The more they fight recognition, the more the must recognize (on a subconcious level) that they find Libertarians a threat.

I do agree, not very American, but certainly very in partisan character.