Thursday, February 05, 2009

Let Me Tell You About My Narcissism

My friend, Cleveland Plain Dealer reporter Laura DeMarco, writes a weekly entry on visitors and ex-Clevelanders returning to Cle, with their impressions of the city. She quoted me on the immigrant backgrounds of Cle vs. Indy, sausage and corned beef, and on eating ethnic food:
What impressed him the most -- besides the corned beef, that is? "Cleveland's ethnic diversity is fantastic," he says. "I notice it because the depth of diversity is missing in Indy, because it wasn't an immigrant city until about 20 years ago, whereas Cleveland has a long history of immigration. Nothing better than eating my way through ethnic Cleveland! . . . If ethnic diversity was measured in nothing more than sausage, Cleveland runs rings around Indy."

I made comment also about Cleveland's shrinking industrial landscape. That's something I truly miss. I love the steel mills and rail yards, and every time I go back, I drive through for a look. I guess that wasn't sexy enough to print.

I wish Indy had some industrial landscape to speak of. I do get my fix here in Indiana by cruising through Gary on the way to Chicago when work takes me there. Yes, I detour through Gary. For the scenery.

1 comment:

varangianguard said...

Indianapolis was really "Nap Town" ever since The Great War. No wonder immigrants chose to settle elsewhere. ;)