Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Hamilton County Budget Time

I was surprised to learn today that the County Council moved their meeting to the first Tuesday of the month, whereas it is normally scheduled for the first Wednesday of the month. No matter. I attended and urged the Council to pass the most austere budget possible.

Actually, that's not much of a surprise. I always lobby for austere budgets, and local governing bodies seem to shift the days and times of their meetings regularly. Maybe this latter is why I wasn't too surprised that I was the only person who got up and spoke on the budget.

Get that.

Just me. Nobody else. It's a county of a quarter-million, and only one person gave the Council any input whatsoever.

I know that the Hurricane is on the minds of many, and is much more an issue of life or death. It's just unfortunate. The opportunity to speak up is there, and unexercised by the average citizen.

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