Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Recent Press Hits

I have been pleased to receive several citations in the media in the past few days. Here are three:

Howey Political Report. The respected political insider publication noted my ad buy on WXNT, and the serious level of campaigning it represents. It was very gratifying to have a citation here. The Howey Political report is a subscription service, so the specific item cannot be linked. The main page offers the top story. They do offer a trial sample.

The Indiana Daily Student covered the Libertarian Party of Indiana's Collegiate Conclave, and noted by lunchtime speech. Here's a quote from the IDS report:
"I intend to deflect that stereotypical bromide that you're wasting your vote if you vote for a libertarian," Kole said. "You're wasting your vote if you believe in free speech and privacy, and you vote for a Democrat. And you're wasting your vote if you believe in small government and fiscal conservatism, and you vote for a Republican."

AtGeist is both a newsletter and website, targeted to residents and business owners of the Geist area, both in Hamilton and Marion counties. The website features a report on my upcoming organizational meeting, as I am an opponent of the forced annexations the Hamilton County Geist property owners are facing. This item is also very gratifying, as it is near to home, and I am very keen to build strong relationships with like-minded neighbors, and to support them. Here's a quote from the report:
"My position on forced annexation is simple. It's wrong, period," said Kole. "It's too bad the Republican Party doesn't believe in property rights or lower taxes anymore, because they talk the talk without walking the walk," he said. "Actions matter far more than rhetoric. If Libertarians made up the majority of the Fishers Town Council, the issue of forced annexation would not even appeared. But then, the Town Council is made up of Republicans, including the GOP's County Chair, so you can see where that party stands on such things," said Kole.

Forgive me if I sound like a broken record, but these press hits are very gratifying. These three sources represent the kind of growth the Libertarian Party is experiencing. We are increasingly included in press coverage on the strength of the validity of our positions, and the fact that we have shown organizational endurance. We are not a top-down party that crumbles as our standard bearers move on. We are here to stay. In the past, we would get the bulk of our press hits within two weeks of an election. Now we get solid coverage nine months prior to the election. These citations are in my mind an acknowledgment of all of this.

If you see press citations, please forward email links to It is deeply appreciated!

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