Sunday, September 28, 2003


Thursday night's Hob Nob event was great fun, and a real boost. The Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce sponsors the annual event, where candidates for City-County Council and Mayor gather to distribute literature, circulate, and glad-hand.

Klop had a table along with his Democratic and Republican fellow challengers. This was the second time we have encountered the Dem, and the first time I met the Republican. We set up Brad's brochures and buttons, though I think more pols picked up the stuff than members of the general public. Unfortunately, the public really didn't show up in great numbers, which is sad since this event was likely the single greatest gathering of hopefuls that there will be.

The most striking thing was the respect given to the Libertarian Party. Our opponents were very gracious, and actually pretty eager to talk shop with us. This is again in stark contrast to the Ohio experience, where the LP is treated with scorn and derision as a matter of courtesy. I was personally thanked by Mayor Bart Peterson for the work of the LP, which was exceptionally gratifying.

I know, I know- it's a happy smile face event, and everyone there was sporting the brown lipstick, but still! Dennis Kucinich never thanked me for 'doing what I do to improve the community' back in Cle.

County Chair Sam Goldstein participated in a tri-partisan chair's rountable, which was broadcast on WIBC. Goldstein was given equal billing and equal time by all involved, and it was refreshing and encouraging.

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